Routine x-ray studies and MRI scans often fail to detect injuries like ligament damage, soft-tissue injuries, and joint dysfunction, particularly in the cervical (neck) spine. That’s why so many car accident victims are left to suffer needlessly with chronic undiagnosed pain.

DMX Takes an X-ray Movie of your Body and Spine in Motion

Since most injuries happen when you’re in motion, it makes sense that images of your body in motion can shed new light on how the injury occurred. Digital Motion X-Ray’s revolutionary technology, known as fluoroscopy, produces 30 x-rays per second while the patient is in motion. The images appear on a video monitor. This “body in motion” technology makes it possible to identify injuries that regular x-rays and traditional MRIs can’t detect.

Unprecedented Information About Hidden Injuries

DMX’s x-ray studies objectively demonstrate how the injury occurred, what structures are involved, and the precise location and severity of the injury. This objective information can be life-changing for patients, doctors, and attorneys who represent accident victims.

How DMX Benefits You:

PATIENTS– You finally know the real reason you’re in pain. Now that you have an accurate diagnosis, your doctor can give you the best treatment for your recovery. Peace of mind that you are not imagining something that isn’t there.

A patient who needs a DMX should order one because ligaments do not regain full strength after an injury. Collagen replaces elastin which increases the risk of future injury. In addition, a permanent impairment rating of 5-8% can be established. Referrals for advanced imaging after non-response or decreased response adds value to your care and Justifies continued and future chiropractic care.

DOCTORS– You finally have demonstrable evidence to diagnose your patient's hidden injuries. Now you can give your patients the proper treatment they need to heal and not be in chronic pain.

ATTORNEYS– You finally have an objective, third-party documentation of injuries that didn’t appear on x-rays or MRIs. Now you can go to court with confidence and demonstrable proof that an injury occurred.

Call (843) 972-7246 to Schedule an Appointment for a Digital Motion X-Ray today!

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